Mural from King Vidor's Film Solomon and Sheba
40' Canvas, 1959
Symeon Shimin was one of America’s best, yet under appreciated, artists. He painted the pain he felt from his own childhood in the faces of his subjects. He was authentic , independent, true to himself and immensely empathetic to the disenfranchised, especially children. He featured black faces when others were too intimidated. He did realistic work when Abstract Expressionism was in vogue. Although embarrassed to do Hollywood work, to support his family he produced some of the finest movie posters ever made in America. A staunch pacifist he did his part by producing posters for the war effort. He was a prolific children’s book illustrator. He was a man true to himself and painted museum quality figurative work with an expressionist esthetic. Symeon Shimin should have been to American Muralism what Diego Rivera was to Mexico. He was that good!
Ken Schwartz, Owner Detour Gallery, Red Bank, NJ.
Detour Gallery
24 Clay Street
Red Bank, New Jersey 07701